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VTT ÉLECTRIQUE TOUT SUSPENDU Focus Throne2 6.9 T:S 40 29di Crème white 625wh (2023)


moteur 85Nm
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      1023 vélos en stock
    1023 Oui, c'est bien notre stock de vélos électriques en temps réel

    Les indispensables

    2021 BOSCH Performance CX Generation 4 Engine (85Nm)

    In order to make 2021 even greater, BOSCH increased the couple NM of his well-known Performance CX engine. From 75Nm to now 85Nm, this engine provides even faster accelerations and easier startings. BOSCH also added brand new features to enhance the rider's experience :

    - Extended Boost feature : it is ideal to overcome all the obstacles on the hardest paths; the electric assistance results more dynamic, natural and intuitive to adapt to your riding style.

    - improved eMTB mode: it gives you more control over your bike and makes starts more fluent; pedalling becomes easier on difficult paths.

    BOSCH Kiox On-Board Screen

    This BOSCH Kiox screen provides all the features that a rider needs. The small colour screen withstands scratches and is easy to control with the remote control -Remote Compact- and its switches. It displays essential informations such as: speed, rider's performances, heart rate, battery's remaining charge, etc. You can see all the information you need in the blink of an eye. Keep control over the path you are riding on and over the handlebar.

    A chest belt in option can be connected by Bluetooth to the Kiox users' smartphones. Thus, they can know about their pulse and practice the best way ever.

    The Low Energy Bluetooth interface gives the possibility to update the software on your on-board screen without any cable connection. Other connection options are available.

    New BOSCH 625Wh Integrated Battery

    This is the 2020 innovation: the integrated BOSCH PowerTube battery of 625Wh.

    BOSCH came out strong with this brand new battery. It is completely integrated to the bike's frame and can be mounted horizontally or vertically. Its minimalist design will provide new possibilities to the bike manufacturers in terms of bike design and balance. The battery is invisible and perfectly protected by the frame. The comfort function makes the battery coming out of the frame on 2cm when unlocked: it will be easier to take it out. A security system prevents the battery from falling.

    FOX Float DPS Performance Shock Absorber - 3-position lever

    The FOX Float DPS Performance is a performing air shock absorber. It provides great adjustments and is adapted for a Cross-Country/Marathon practice.

    It ensures a better absorption of shocks and a sturday locking. Its DPS 3 cartridge is perfect on all paths and its optionnal wind sleeve improves its reactivity and sensitivity. It also has a Kashima cover.

    As for the adjustments: the lever has 3 modes (open, average, sturdy); adjustment range in open mode (1, 2, 3), travel, pressure of the pneumatic shock absorber.

    SHIMANO MT520 Brakes

    Hydraulic disc brakes' calipers

    Strong points:

    - Bigger contact surface thanks to the double diameter conception with opposite pistons.

    - Fast contact of the original brake pad and controllable modulation of the braking power.

    - Sleek and lasting design of the master cylinder.

    - Pad and piston insulated against heat.

    - Feel more confident and take more pleasure thanks to the impressive braking power.

    - A very responsive braking power for a better hold on the bike.

    - Steady braking and better durability.


    Focus Throne2 6.9 T:S 40 29di Crème white 625wh

    Partie Electrique

    Moteur Pedalier Oui
    Position de la batterie Cadre 100% Intégré
    Afficheur/Ecran Bosch Kiox
    Battery BOSCH Intégrée 625Wh
    La performance d'un moteur est exprimée en newton mètre (NM). Cela détermine la force émise par le moteur. Plus le couple moteur est élevé, moins l'usager aura à fournir d'effort pour obtenir l'assistance électrique
    Couple Moteur 85Nm
    Batterie Ampere heure 16,7Ah
    Moteur Category Central Bosch
    Information Complémentaire Installation Smartphone Grip BOSCH
    Autonomy 160Km
    Moteur BOSCH Performance CX Generation 4 (85Nm)
    Speed 25km/h
    Voltage 36 Volts
    Puissance Moteur en Watts 250 Watts
    Jeu de roues DT Swiss H1900
    Performance 625Wh

    Partie Cycle

    Amortisseur FOX
    Frame material
    Taille de roue 29"
    Pneus Schwalbe Hans Dampf, 2.6 SuperGround Soft, 65-622
    Tige de selle Post Moderne dropper post PM-MT171, 31.6 mm
    Selle Proxim X400
    Montage Tubeless Oui

    Transmission & Freinage

    Freins Shimano MT520, aluminium
    Derailleur Shimano Deore XT M8100, 12-speed


    Débattement 130mm
    Fourche FOX
    Tout Suspendu Oui
    Modele Fourche FOX 34 Rhythm, 150mm
    Amortisseur modele Fox Float DPS Performance, 3-position lever, 190 / 45 mm, hardware: 25 x 8mm, custom tune


    Type de vélo VTT électrique tout-suspendu
    Type de produit VTT électrique tout-suspendu
    Age Group A partir de 14 ans
    Type Of Use MTB
    Garantie 5-years on the Frame; 2-years on Electric and Mechanical Parts
    Millesime 2023
    Poids 24,4 kg
    Type de cadre Cadre Mixte
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    Questions et réponses de clients sur Focus Throne2 6.9 T:S 40 29di Crème white 625wh

    Vous souhaitez poser une question? Un de nos experts ou de nos clients vous répondra.


    Comment choisir la bonne taille de cadre ?

    Mesure de l'entrejambe, en 4 étapes :

    1. - Enlevez vos chaussures. La mesure se fait pieds nus ou en chaussettes.
    2. - Mettez vous contre un mur en cuissard ou en sous-vêtement.
    3. - Placez un livre entre vos cuisses, le plus haut possible.
    4. - Mesurez la distance du haut du livre au sol et ça vous donnera la mesure de votre entrejambe.

    Renseigner votre mesure d'entrejambe sur notre calculateur :

    Mesure de votre entrejambe:
    Vélo urbain
    VTC / trekking
    VTT semi-rigide
    VTT suspendu

    Die Schritthöhe richtig ermitteln

    Ces valeurs vous donnent une idée de la taille de cadre qu’il vous faut.

    Si vous voulez être sûr de commander la bonne taille ou si vous désirez plus de précisions, n’hésitez pas à contacter nos conseillers.

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